Heart Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Heart related problems don’t always come with a pain in the chest, breathlessness or palpitations. Some of the symptoms don’t even occur in the chest but you will feel it in other body parts. This makes it quite difficult to identify the heart disease. Of late, there are the Best Cardiologist in India available and if you have any of the following symptoms, you should get in touch with them. 

Chest Discomfort:
Most common sign for the heart problem is chest discomfot. In case of blocked artery or if you have a heart attack, then you will feel pain, tightness or pressure in your chest. But you should be aware that you will get heart attack without even a chest pain. 

Nausea, Indigestion, Heartburn or Stomach Pain:
When some people get heart attack, they will have all these signs. Mostly, women will have these symptoms rather than a man. There might be other reasons for upset stomach but remember it can happen during heart attack.

Pain that spreads to the arm:
Yet another classic symptom of heart attack is the pain that generates from the down left side of your body.

Dizzy or lightheaded:
You might lose your balance or feel faint but even if you don’t eat properly you should stand up too fast. But if you feel unsteady suddenly, consult your doctor immediately.

Throat or Jaw Pain:
In case, you have pressure or pain in the chest that spreads up to your jaw or throat then it is a sign of a heart attack.

Getting exhausted easily:
If you feel fatigue suddenly or find it doing things that you do without any problem in the past like climbing the stairs carrying the groceries, extreme exhaustion or unexplained weakness are all causes of heart ailment.

When you snore very loudly like you are gasping or choking which is a sign of sleep apnea and will cause the heart to pause for brief moments, it will put pressure on your heart. You should do a sleep study or through a CPAP machine to smooth out your sleeping. 

If you sweat a lot for no obvious reason, it is a heart attack. It happens along with other symptoms.

Cough lasting for long:
If you are cough is long lasting and produces white or pink mucus then it is a sign of a heart disease. Consult your doctor immediately.

Swollen legs, feet and ankles:
When you have swollen legs, feet and ankles, your heart will not pump blood properly. When it cannot do it fast, the blood backs up in the veins and also causes bloating.

Irregular Heart Beat:
It is quite normal for your heart to race when you are nervous or excited or it might skip a beat or add a beat once in a way. But if it happens very often, you should consult your doctor.

Now, you know all the things related to heart disease and in case of heart blockage, you need not worry and get Heart Blockage Treatment in the leading hospitals of India.


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