Reasons To Go For A Open Heart Surgery

More than half a million adults and children around the world need surgeries to correct heart problems. Out of the many types of heart surgeries performed, open-heart surgery is generally the last resort. Doctors can determine when someone needs open-heart surgery by doing certain tests such as an echocardiogram, CT scans, and angiogram. Open-heart surgery is used to correct severe disease in coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart, to repair or replace heart valves or to fix structural heart defects. Coronary heart disease is the most common reason why an open-heart surgery becomes necessary. The condition develops when the blood vessels in the heart harden and become narrow due to the plaque that accumulates on their walls. This may lead to obstructed blood flow to the heart, raising the person’s risk of suffering a heart attack. Sometimes, the valves of the heart may become damaged which may need repair or replacement. This can be done through open-hea...