
Showing posts from November, 2018

What Happens When Heart Is Damaged Due to Cancer Treatment

Cancer patients all over the world are getting better treatment for Cancer , thanks to the researchers working to find better medications for it. With the currently available cancer treatments, many patients face the risk of developing other disorders as side effects. Among these, one category is that of heart disorders. We are here to help you understand what really happens when the heart and its surroundings get affected by cancer treatment. Cardio-oncology addresses the patients who are either currently receiving cancer treatment or have received in the past and are at a risk of damage to the heart leading to cardiovascular problems. Who Can Get Affected? Patients who have had CVD or were at risk prior to cancer treatment could have it exacerbated by the treatment or even the cancer itself. Other cancer patients can also get affected as a result of the radiation or chemotherapy treatment received by them. This is especially true for those who have been treat

Cardiovascular Disease - Risk Factors and Its Types

Millions of people across the globe are affected by Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) or heart disease. It is a combined term for many different conditions affecting the heart and its functions. Risk Factors The risk factors for cardiovascular disease can be classified into two groups: one that you can control and the other one beyond your control. Controllable risk factors can be managed by you by making a few lifestyle changes. These include diet, inactivity, smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, high cholesterol levels and high BP. Uncontrollable factors include age, ethnicity, gender and family history. Even one factor can put you at the risk of developing CVD. If you have more than one risk factor, the risk multiplies. Meet a heart specialist doctor  to do a risk assessment for yourself. Types of Cardiovascular Diseases Cardiovascular diseases can be broadly classified into five groups. A few of these types fall under more than one group. Cereb

How to Detect Common Heart Attack Symptoms in Women?

Ignoring the heart attack symptoms and indulging in delay in diagnosis and heart attack treatment can result in death for women. Check the early symptoms' checklist to protect yourself from any unfortunate circumstances. The causes for heart attack in women are similar to that in men. But the symptoms in women are subtler than men and many a time even get neglected by the patient and physician both. Women usually say that they felt a few of these symptoms a month or weeks before the heart attack. Those symptoms are: Pain in Upper Body Parts The pain can begin in one part and slowly spread to other or it may be all of a sudden. Parts that can be affected include: Neck Jaw Throat Upper Back Weakness Feeling weak or unstable is a serious symptom for heart attack in women which may be accompanied by dizziness, fainting, and anxiety. By rushing to the heart attack treatment hospital in India, you can get the right recommendation at an early stage to save

Invasive, Non-Invasive, and Interventional Cardiology - Everything You Need To Know

The heart works very hard to keep your life going and it is important to keep it healthy. It is not always easy to know when something is wrong with its functions. Cardiology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of the disorders of the cardiovascular system. A cardiologist performs tests to check the health of your cardiovascular system through different procedures such as ECG, lung function test and checking the blood pressure and the vessels. Also you should act wisely while choosing a cardiologist in order to finding the right cardiologist for your heart health . There are three types of cardiology, which may be used for diagnosis and treatment either on their own or in combination with the others. Here’s an insight into each one of these. 1. Invasive Cardiology Invasive cardiology involves open surgery or minimally-invasive surgery for identification and treatment of electrical or structural abnormalities of the heart. The common types are: Angioplasty:  It is