What is coronary heart disease – Prevention and Treatment

Of late, the coronary heart disease is on the increase. A coronary heart disease (CHD) is one in which the arteries narrow down blocking the flow of blood as well as oxygen to the heart. This disease is otherwise known as coronary artery disease. Nowadays, many heart specialist excel in the treatment of this disease. Let us see here in detail about this disease and also the prevention and treatment of this disease. The cholesterol gets deposited on the artery walls which results in plaque on the wall causing narrowing down of the artery which in turn blocks or reduces the flow of blood or some time even a blood clot stops flowing of blood to the heart. Some of the symptoms are chest pain, heart attack and shortness of breath. It is to be noted that coronary arteries provide the heart with sufficient pure oxygen which is also sent to other parts of the body. When this is blocked the person is affected with heart ailment. These days, this disease is becoming...