Some Necessary Steps That Prevent Heart Disease

In recent times, due to lack of activity and unhealthy diet practices, more and more people are affected by heart diseases. Unlike the earlier years, when such issues were associated with age, now young people below the age of 40 can also be affected by the disease, which can prove fatal if not diagnosed in time. Treatment for heart diseases like heart transplant in India has become very advanced and can help patients live longer lives more comfortably. It is a better idea to take the necessary steps to avoid heart diseases: Fat is Good A lot of people assume that fats are bad for health, But Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are good for you. They can help in reducing LDL cholesterol level and to keep inflammation under control. They are good for your health if consumed in decent quantities. Add Protein to Your Diet Proteins are your friend. Any person who is into bodybuilding and healthier lifestyle would have suggested foods such as eggs and broccoli. They inc...