Never Ignore These Symptoms of Heart Attack

A heart attack has become a very common health issue these days and every day, more numbers of people are falling prey to the same. The reasons for a heart attack could be many – the most common of which is a high level of cholesterol and unhealthy lifestyle practiced by the people at large. The winded and run-down feeling that you experience out of the blue could be the very sign of a heart attack. 

According to the best heart hospitals in Delhi, some heart attacks are very sudden and intense, on the contrary, many of them would start slowly and the earliest symptoms are very much subtle in them. 
According to the recent studies, about one in four heart attacks are silent, which are caused without chest pain or any new symptom, especially among the adults suffering from diabetes and among the women.

Heart attack treatment has become very much possible following several advancements in the field of medical science. There are many treatment options available to treat the problem of heart-attack. The treatment is done after any person experiences early warning signs of heart attack. With the early heart attack treatment, there are greater survival rates for the people who are suffering from the same. 

Following are the early warning signs of a heart attack that you must never ignore: 

Chest pain: 
Pain, discomfort or tightness in the chest is one of the most common warning signs of a heart attack for both the sexes. 

Shortness of breath is caused especially while you are at rest. This should never be ignored. 

Palpitations involve the feeling that your heart is pounding, racing, fluttering or even skipping a beat. 

Pain in the arm, chest or back: 
If you are experiencing a continuous pain in your arm, chest or back from a longer time period, you must take it seriously. 

Fatigue is one of the warning signs of heart attack, especially when it is new or dramatic. 

Nausea, indigestion, and light-headedness: 
These symptoms are very common in women. 


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