Heart Blockage: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Heart blockage or coronary heart disease refers to the narrowing of coronary arteries. These are the blood vessels which carry out the task of supplying blood and oxygen to the heart. This condition is also known as coronary artery disease. These days, a heart blockage has become a leading cause of illness and death. 

The best cardiologist in India states that this condition happens when the cholesterol accumulates on the walls of the arteries, eventually creating plaque. This narrows down the arteries which in turn reduces the flow of blood to the hurt. In some cases, this clot can even obstruct the flow of blood to the muscles of the heart. 

According to the best cardiologist in India, some people are born with a heart block. However, in other people, this condition develops later in life. A heart block since birth is known as a congenital heart block and its causes include an autoimmune disease or a birth defect. A heart block caused otherwise is called an acquired heart block and its causes include changes in the genes, various kinds of surgeries, damage from a heart attack, other heart issues, muscle disorders, and even medicine.

  • Following are the common symptoms of a heart block: 
  • Dizziness 
  • Fainting and fatigue 
  • Chest pain 
  • Nausea 
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Severe tiredness 
  • Irregular heartbeat. 

Heart blockage treatment is possible after the problem has been diagnosed in a patient. For all kinds of second and third-degree heart blocks, a person is administered a small device known as a pacemaker in his chest. This process is considered to be a minor surgery where the person is sedated during the procedure. Similar to a backup electrical system, a pacemaker reminds the heart to beat and function at a normal rate if it slows down or stops. 

Although heart blockage treatment is possible, it is always recommended to stay fit and healthy by following a good lifestyle. 


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