How High Blood Pressure Can Cause Heart Attack

Failure of heart or heart attack is a severe body reaction when the heart cannot supply enough blood to the body parts. It doesn’t happen all at once, but the damage by hypertension or high blood pressure strikes over the years. Therefore, when the body shows signs, heart attack treatment should be the next course of action. Here are the reasons how high blood pressure leads to heart failure, and that’s why one shouldn’t neglect the importance of effective heart attack treatment. 

Narrowing of arteries because of HBP causes heart attack

To understand it in simple language, the high blood pressure causes narrowing of the blood vessels, which results in blockage. It puts risks on the heart because of a lack of blood flow and develops heart failure. 

High blood pressure puts pressure on the heart functioning process

Since the blood doesn’t reach the body parts smoothly because of narrowed arteries, it puts excess pressure on the heart to work more towards supplying blood throughout the body. When the pressure gets too much, it results in heart failure.

Increased demands lead to an enlarged heart

When the load on the heart is more because of narrowed arteries and slower blood supply, the heart lining thickens and becomes more significant. It leads to less efficiency of the heart to meet the excessive body’s demand for oxygen and nutrients. Thus, heart failure is the result of a less efficient and more pressurized heart because of high blood pressure. 

High blood pressure leads to many other heart-related issues like heart defects, pulmonary heart failure, heart stroke, vision loss, sexual dysfunction, microvascular disease (MVD), Peripheral artery disease (PAD), congenital heart disease, and coronary artery diseases. One must get the right heart attack treatment from the specialised hospitals and doctors when needed.


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