What is the treatment for a damaged liver due to alcohol?


The cause of Alcoholic liver disease is overconsuming alcohol. As a result, fats, inflammation and scarring start building up in the liver which can be fatal. Therefore, Alcoholic Liver Disease Treatment must be done as soon as possible.

The liver is one of the most complex organs in the body and performs more than 500 functions. Liver Damage can affect the complete body and once the damage starts, it takes a long time to notice it and by then, the situation becomes irreversible. A successful Alcoholic Liver Disease Treatment depends on whether you are willing to stop consuming alcohol or not.

Symptoms of Alcoholic Liver Disease

     A yellow tint on the sclera in the eyes and skin or jaundice.

     Vomit and stools with blood.

     Formation of ascites which is a buildup of fluid in the abdomen.

     Extreme weight loss.

     Nails on the fingers get excessively curved which is also known as clubbing.

You should consult a doctor as soon as you notice any of the above symptoms

Alcoholic Liver Disease Treatment

     Reduce or stop the consumption of alcohol as soon as possible.

     Quit smoking and weight loss are also recommended sometimes. These lifestyle changes play a significant role in alcoholic liver disease treatment.

     Corticosteroids or pentoxifylline are prescribed for reducing inflammation for people who have acute alcoholic hepatitis.

     If you suffer from complete liver failure, then a liver transplant is the only option for your alcoholic liver disease treatment.

Liver Transplant is a complicated procedure which requires trained professionals. Max Healthcare hospital of liver transplant in india offers treatment across 29 specialisations.


When a person suffers from alcoholic liver disease, it reduces life expectancy considerably. So, it would be best if you took early precautions to prevent severe liver damage. If you are looking for the best alcoholic liver disease treatment then Max Healthcare has professionally trained doctors who will give you the best care & treatment.


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