Some Silent Signs Of A Heart Attack Everyone Should Know

A heart attack is one serious problem which causes a lot of discomfort to a person. Every year more than one million people suffer from a heart attack. There are many traditional symptoms of this problem which include cold sweat, chest pain or pressure, extreme weakness, and many others. However, sometimes a person also ends up suffering from a silent heart attack. A silent heart attack comes with more subtle signs which sometimes become very easy to miss. 

Heart attack treatment is possible only after getting acquainted with all its signs and symptoms. Here are the warning signs of a silent heart attack that you must always be careful about: 

Uneasiness in the stomach: 
Various conditions causing uneasiness in the stomach such as indigestion, nausea, and heartburn as well as stomach pain are considered to be the signs of a silent heart attack. According to the best heart hospitals of Delhi, women are more likely to experience all these signs during their silent heart attack. The women may even end up vomiting during the same. Thus, if you are suffering from any of these problems for long, you must get yourself checked at once. 

Pain spreading to the arms: 
Another symptom of a silent heart attack includes pain in the arm. This starts from a mild pain which ends up spreading itself to the arm. The pain starts from the chest and then moves towards the muscles of the arms. Contradict to this, some people only suffer from a pain in the arm which is also a warning sign of a heart attack. 

A feeling of dizziness: 
A number of things can make you lose your balance or cause a feeling of faintness. Feeling of faintness is sometimes associated with a silent heart attack. If you are feeling unsteady all of a sudden and are also suffering from any sort of chest discomfort, you must call a doctor right away as the same is considered to be one of the leading signs of a silent heart attack. 

Getting exhausted easily: 
According to the best heart hospitals in Delhi, if you are feeling fatigued or winded suddenly after doing something which would never make you feel exhausted otherwise, you must consult your doctor as it is one of the leading signs of a silent heart attack. The activities such as climbing the staircase, carrying your books and groceries to the car, etc. shouldn’t make you feel exhausted. However, if they do, it’s time to seek immediate medical attention. This is one of the leading signs of a silent heart attack in women. 

The practice of snoring a little bit while you are in your sleep is very normal. However, the act of snoring very loudly is not very usual. If your snore sounds like choking or gasping, you must take this seriously as it is considered to be one of the warning signs of a silent heart attack. Gasping or choking in the sleep are also considered to be the signs of sleep apnea. Get in touch with your doctor while experiencing such kind of snoring during your sleep. 


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